you’re invitedto the

Buhler Family Reunion

33015 Bevan Ave, Abbotsford, BC V2S 4S5

July 13, 2024

The rate is $30 per person 12 and up. Under 12 is free.


What you can expect

Mennonite Heritage Museum

10 am - 12:30 pm

1818 Clearbrook Rd, ​Abbotsford, BC

V2T 5X4

Totem Tobacco Farm Photoshoot

1:00 pm

40300 No 3 Rd, ​Abbotsford


gathering At ​Mill lake park

2 pm

33015 Bevan Ave, Abbotsford, BC

V2S 4S5

We have included the directions and details of our ancestors gravesites below if you wish to travel there and visit.

The ​Reunion


We will be visiting several locations ​throughout the day. Please use this ​google map for directions to each of ​the​ sites included in our schedule.

Included below are individual Google Maps to help locate specific reunion locations.

The ​Mennonite ​Heritage ​Museum

The museum is located at 1818 ​Clearbrook Rd, Abbotsford, BC

V2T 5X4

The Totem ​Tobacco ​Farm​

The Totem Tobacco Farm is located at ​40300 No 3 Rd, Abbotsford

The Soci​al Gatheri​ng

Following the Tobacco Farm Photoshoot we will be gathering at Shelter 4 at Mill Lake Park in Abbotsford. Follow the google map here for directions to the park.

The ​Gravesite​s

Maclure Road Mennonite Cemetery

3​3​965 Maclure Road

An​na & Henr​y Buhler

Bloc​k​ 23

Plot 12 & 11

Aaro​n & Katie Thiesen

Bl​ock 47 Plot 1 & 2

South Poplar Mennonite Cemetery

721 Gladwin Road

Grace A. Buhler 1913-1938


Kindly reply

Please RSVP as soon as possible so we have an idea

of numbers for

our reunion.

Bob (604) 793-3086

Robyn (604) 910-9504

Jed (604) 820-1690